Special Community Facing Ministries
Church & Community Program (CCP) is a Canton-based nonprofit that has helped to provide food, clothing and other essentials to those in need and to offer referrals for additional assistance to residents of Canton and surrounding communities for 50 years.
Multiple volunteers from the Canton UMC work with CCP’s Second Chance Thrift Store, Food Pantry, Back-to-School Program, Giving Tree (holiday) Program, and Fundraising (spring bowling tournament). Three Canton Church members are representatives to the CCP Board of Trustees-Thadine Wight, Denise Koser, and Cheryl Glidden.
Learn more about this amazing community program here: https://ccpcanton.org/

In the 2nd annual bowling fundraiser on April 20th to benefit the Church & Community Program (CCP), Canton UMC’s Circuit Rider team raised $450, thanks to generous sponsorship from our church family and others! The 2024 tournament attracted twice as many teams as the previous year and raised over $1,400 total for CCP!